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Some of the warning signs your heat pump in Olathe, KS, is at the end of its lifespan are signal the need for a repair. You can tell the difference by considering its age, past history of repairs and the cost of replacement. Continue reading to learn how to choose between a heat pump repair and replacement.

Replacement Cost

In systems over 10 years old, you’ve most likely already spent money on a repair in the past. It’s more cost-effective to replace an old heat pump when the cost of repair exceeds one-third the cost of replacement. The average heat pump lasts 10 to 12 years. Older heating systems are more likely to break down. Therefore, it’s best to consider replacement ahead of time.

Number of Repairs

Keep a record of your heat pump’s repairs to know how much each has cost and what it entailed. Showing this to your heating repair service technician is helpful for them in estimating how much life your system may have left in it.

In general, if your heat pump has had more than two major repairs in the past year, it might not be worth getting a third repair. Frequent breakdowns are warning signs that your heat pump is running out of time.

Heat Pump’s Age

We recommend replacing a heat pump that needs a repair after it’s 10 years old. Old heat pumps are at greater risk of major breakdowns, frequent repair needs and high energy bills. They won’t heat your home as effectively anymore, either.

Service technicians can attempt to fix an old heat pump, but there’s no guarantee the repair will restore the system’s efficacy or help it last much longer. Heating and cooling equipment reach a point at which repairs simply don’t last.

Replacing your heat pump is the better option when it’s old or has an expensive repair need. Contact Air-Pro Comfort Systems to discuss a heat pump replacement within your budget.

Image provided by iStock

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