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Keeping your home in Olathe, Kansas, comfortable is likely one of your top priorities. While a comfortable temperature is a critical component of this, so is the indoor air quality. Unfortunately, dander, dust, pollen and even household chemicals can affect your home’s IAQ. As a result, it can impact your comfort. Here are four ways you can help boost your IAQ to assure comfort for everyone in the household:

Avoid Tracking Outdoor Particles Inside

One of the biggest culprits behind poor IAQ in your home is the dirt and pollen that you track in from the outside. You can keep these pollutants and allergens out by keeping doors and windows closed. Also, ask guests to remove their shoes when they enter the house.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Household cleaning products often release dangerous volatile organic compounds into the air. Instead of reaching for your traditional cleaning chemicals, consider creating your own cleaning products from natural ingredients such as vinegar, lemon and baking soda.

Groom and Bath Your Pets Regularly

Pet dander and hair can reduce the quality of the air in your home. As a result, it can lead to increased allergy and asthma symptoms. You can help to reduce the amount of dander circulating in your home by grooming and bathing pets regularly. If possible, you should do it outside.

Schedule Routine HVAC Maintenance

A well-maintained HVAC system can help improve the IAQ in your home by removing pollutants and allergens as it cycles the air through the system’s filter. It can also do so by maintaining proper airflow through your home. You should change your HVAC filter according to the manufacturer’s guidelines and schedule regular HVAC maintenance. As a result, you’ll take a significant step toward maintaining healthy IAQ.

Follow the tips above to improve the indoor air quality in your home. Need to schedule your HVAC maintenance service? Contact us at 913-521-8812 today. We’ll make sure your HVAC system is in good working order.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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