Your Overland Park, Kansas, home contains a number of systems designed to maintain comfort. One of these is the air conditioner, which moves air and keeps the temperature at the level you set. To make sure your home stays comfortable, it’s important to schedule an AC tune-up.

Improve Energy Efficiency and Save Money

Although it may come as a surprise, spending a small amount on an AC tune-up can help you save a lot of money over the life of the system. Most manufacturers recommend having the air conditioner tuned up every spring in preparation for the changing seasons and fluctuating temperatures.

By keeping up with this maintenance schedule, your system will operate more efficiently. As a result, it’ll use less energy, and you’ll spend less on your utility bills. Additionally, maintenance can prevent the need for major repairs, which saves you money too.

Extend the Air Conditioner’s Lifespan

The average air conditioner last for about 10-15 years. This estimate comes from the manufacturer and assumes that you’re keeping up with regular maintenance. If you don’t have the AC system tuned up, the lifespan will likely be shorter, which means you’ll have to replace it sooner. The cost to replace your cooling system isn’t cheap. Therefore, extending the life of your AC system helps you save year after year.

Maintain Good Indoor Air Quality

The quality of the air you breathe in your home can impact your health. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to allergies, which can cause symptoms like headaches, coughing, and congestion. If anyone in the house has asthma, the symptoms can be even more concerning.

An AC tune-up can help to keep your air cleaner and healthier. An AC system that isn’t properly maintained is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause the air quality to drop.

These reasons make it clear why an AC tune-up is so important. Contact Air-Pro Comfort Systems by calling 913-521-8812 to schedule yours today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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